Joint International Academies of Research and Education
Joint International Academies of Research and Education

Operations and Services



Structure and Constitution:


The Joint International Academies of Research and Education (hereafter referred to as JIARE) was originally founded in 1930 of various grant awarding bodies with the sole aim of  promoting advance research and innovative projects.


JIARE is as an Association (Joint Network) of organisations and individual professions from different disciplines across humanities, social sciences, medicine, law and education with the sole aim of promoting research and enhancing quality standards in education, Worldwide. Hence it has been operating Overseas for decades.


Due to popular demands from members and Committees for many years, it was also incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales by the UK Secretary of State on 11 November 2007 under the registration number 06427540.


Its operations, activities and policy framework are enshrined by its By-laws, Articles of Operation as laid down by its constitution. There is the President, a a General Committee/Council, Trustees/directors and the various Committees, including students groups/council.  The Association is also governed and managed by the Board of Trustees who serve as the Directors.


By Laws and Regulations


The operations and activities of JIARE is governed by its By laws and their accompanying Regulations since 1930.

Boards & Regional Groups

JIARE operates in a federal structure; It consists of Regions, Divisions and Sub-committees. Each Region shall elect from its Member Organisations, a Regional President, for ratification by Council, in accordance with its By-laws and memorandum of association. Regional Groups undertake a wide range of activities (including seminars, conferences, workshops, research and social events) which reflect JIARE’s aim to promote excellence in Education and Research.

Appointment of Trustees:

The number of the members of the Board of Trustees / Council shall not be less than three but shall not be subject to any maximum; and the Council may from time to time, and at any time appoint any member of the Association as a member of Association, either to fill a casual vacancy, or by way of addition to the Council provided the member meets certain criteria and prescribed conditions as laid down in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. 


Payments and Remuneration

Presently, there is no payment reward for Board and Committee members. However, as a Board or Committee member, one will be achieving some academic benefits and knowledge, which would extend as his/her membership progress. Awards Board and Committee Members will achieve potential publicity and enhance their opportunity for international recognition and promotion in the workplace.


Expenses and Costs

All Board and Committee Members are entitled to payment of expenses for attending committee meetings and duties, both in their country of residence or outside their country of residence. These include travel, accommodation, food and subsistence costs.


Sources of Funding / Income:


JIARE incomes are generated through donations from government for research activities (governmental projects) and project resources, various international research organisations worldwide, individual donations from fund-raising activities and the general public. Most of the sources of income are from its membership fees and subscription, including sales from its publications and general merchandise.






The mission of JIARE is to foster and promote quality research in all disciplines including the Humanities, Law, Medicine, Social Sciences and the Physical sciences. It also supports medical and health care research and applied clinical research through its collaborative network, and encourages the exploitation of research findings for educational benefits.


In pursuance of its objectives, JIARE currently supports major community projects through its collaborative partnership with organisations with similar objectives and goals to promote and support innovations in patient care and education, develop useful incentives for advanced clinical research and educational activities.


Thus it aims to achieve its primary objectives by:

  • Promoting excellence in education
  • Promoting high quality in research and innovations
  • Providing financial support for educational research and innovative projects
  • Providing funds for career development and educational activities



JIARE is increasingly gaining much weight in the developing countries. It thrives to continue to expand its operation and objectives in these regions as JIARE identifies as areas as the most needed. Hence the Council had agreed to establish new Membership and Personnel Service in these regions which commenced in November 2009; these would help the Joint Collaborative projects taken place in these regions.


JIARE is also rapidly increasingly popularity in the America, Australia and the South-Asia. It is also strengthening its strongholds in the Eastern Bloc and Central Europe by supporting various community projects in these areas.


JIARE also supports on-going research projects in various parts of the world details of which can be found on the Research page of this Website. 


Books and Journal Publications:


Following consultation from the Council from 1996 to 2007 and many of interests from its UK researchers, the first Official Journal of JIARE in the United Kingdom (UK) called the London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC) was launched in November 2007 and January 2008 to support the JIARE Sponsored Community Health and Primary Care Projects in London and South East of England, published by the International Medical Publishing Group appointed as the publishers for the Journal.  During 2001 the Council also approved the publications of North and West London Journal of General Practice to cover primary care and general medical projects in North West London, UK have started from 2009.  JIARE continues to commission books and guides on various topics and disciplines as part of the ongoing promotion of excellence in education and research globally.


Professional Legal Services (PLS) to Members and Fellows of Collaborating Organisations on the Community-based Projects internationally


The work of the Professional Legal Services (PLS) community Legal Advice and Representations Agency, which started from 1993 in Melbourne Australia, and expanded into USA and Asia in 2001, continues to be extended to Fellows and Members of the collaborating organisations in the scheme in UK and Europe.  This provides funds for legal representations and advice for those in hardship and financial difficulties that have genuine case merits subject to agreements.  The services are provided by international staffs who undertake the tasks on rotation basis.  There are plans to have more permanent base for the services in the UK and mainland Europe from 2010 and beyond.





As a well established international not for profit healthcare membership organisation with multidisciplinary membership all over the World, the JIARE has been in operation since 1982 in deferent parts of the World. 


The majority (99.5%) of our operations and trading are based overseas, outside the UK since 1982, and only the Community Health and Education Projects and Corporate Affairs and Legal Services Department (0,5%) aspects of our operations would be based in the UK following the registration of our company in November 2007 in England and Wales, UK.


In light of the above we operate in various regions of the World, which include the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East and Asia.  Our operations include, Membership Services, Courses and Conferences, Journals and Publications, Awards and Project Management, Research and Development, international and Diplomatic Services, Council and Committees Services, Operational Divisions and Departments, Community Health and Education Projects, and Corporate  Affairs and Legal Services Department.


Therefore the percentage breakdown of our operations and activities overseas and the UK are shown in table 1 below.





Overseas  - Rest of the World:

  • The Americas
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • The Middle East
  • Asia
  • Membership services
  • Courses and Conferences
  • Journals and Publications
  • Awards and Project Management
  • Research and Development
  • International and Diplomatic
  • Council and Committees
  • Operational Divisions and Departments
  • Corporate  Affairs and Legal Services Department



United Kingdom

  • Collaborating Community Health, Social Care, Legal, research and Education Services, performed on voluntary bases.





Table 1:      Details of operations and trading of the Joint International Academies of Research and Education


Preparations have continued to be made for the works of the UK chapter of the JIARE from 2007 to 2014.  We plan to continue this operation in the Course of 2015 to 2019 with the full activities continuing for the subsequent years, until the UK operations will be ready to start its activities.


Please note that although the name of the Association is the Joint International Academies of Research and Education, the acronym ‘JIARE’ will continue to be used as this acronym has been used since 1930.


The JIARE will continue to work towards the promotion of patient care and education internationally.


The JIARE will also continue to collaborate with various international not for profit organisations in promoting community health and education services worldwide.


Community Work:



Community Centre

27  Old Gloucester Street

London WC1N 3AX

England, UK




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© Joint International Academies of Research and Education (JIARE) - 1930 to 2025